
Oct. 16, 2020

Managing Media Lists During COVID

Managing media lists got tougher when the COVID-19 virus sent all of us, including journalists, home to ride out the pandemic. Fewer reporters can be reached through newsroom phone lines, and the number of emails they’re get…
Oct. 2, 2020

PR Diversity & Inclusion Checklist

Improve the diversity of your PR teams and campaigns with advice from two experts on DE&I issues. Robert is joined by Dr. Gina Luttrell, an assistant professor of public relations and social media at Syracuse University, and…
Sept. 19, 2020

Young Pros Defy the Virus

The pandemic has been tough on people everywhere. In public relations shops across the world, people have lost their jobs, graduates have seen offers evaporate, and students watched internships vanish. But that hasn’t stoppe…
Sept. 4, 2020

PR Students Get Agency Ready

The pandemic continues to frustrate recent PR graduates looking to land their first job and still challenges students who watched summer and fall internships evaporate when the virus attacked. Yet from the rubble of the 2020…
Aug. 21, 2020

Making Effective Word Choices

Struggling to find the right word? Repeatedly pulling from overused phrases? As communicators, words are the foundation of our work. With that in mind, consulting a dictionary to reevaluate our word choices might not be a ba…
Aug. 7, 2020

Wear the Dang Mask!

We launch our COVID Case Study series with a conversation about one of many mask campaigns now playing across the United States. The most recent public health models predict 300,000 Americans will die from the virus by the e…
July 24, 2020

PR Job Search Tips

The pandemic has left millions of Americans looking for a job. PR people are among them. If you’ve been furloughed, fired, or had your internship cancelled, recruiter Jamie McLaughlin, an expert in connecting companies with …
July 10, 2020

Make Great PR Videos with a Smartphone

Just because you have a powerful camera built into your smartphone doesn’t mean it's easy to create content that people will want to watch. The smartphone has revolutionized videomaking. With a little instruction and practic…
June 26, 2020

Expecting More From Brands

It’s hard to imagine any brand with a logo showing a slave woman on its food products, but the Aunt Jemima imagery has been appearing on its breakfast packaging for more than one hundred years. Now, Aunt Jemima is finally be…
June 12, 2020

How Activists Use PR

Activists are all over the news these days. But how are they organizing? What PR tactics are they using to communicate their positions and drive lasting policy change? The University of Southern California’s Annenberg Center…
May 29, 2020

Media Training Tips

Do you like giving media interviews? Are you good at it? Some people loathe talking to reporters on the record. Others can’t get enough airtime. But does experience make you better? And even if you are good at it, could medi…
May 15, 2020

2020 AP Stylebook Changes

May flowers aren’t the only thing that we look forward to this time of year. It’s also when the Associated Press announces all of its changes to the AP Stylebook. We love the AP Stylebook and look forward to a fresh copy arr…
May 1, 2020

Moms, Comms, and Niche Audiences

In an early celebration of Mother’s Day, PR Nation’s #CommsMoms discuss the importance of communicating with niche audiences. Summer talks with social media’s Comms Mom and PR Nation contributor, Dr. Amanda Holdsworth, about…
April 21, 2020

Saving Earth Day from COVID-19

Earth Day celebrates its 50th anniversary tomorrow, but COVID-19 almost ruined the occasion. Thousands of events around the world had to be moved online or postponed until later in the year due to the pandemic. Robert talks …
April 17, 2020

Pitching Pot on 4/20

There was a time when PR pros were nervous pitching stories about pot to media outlets. But Shawna Seldon McGregor says things have changed – for the better. Shawna talks marijuana PR with Robert just in time for 4/20 – pot’…
April 3, 2020

Pro Panel on COVID-19

Experts are predicting that the month of April will bring even more cases of COVID-19 across the country. With social distancing guidelines extended, public relations practitioners will need to continue to adjust their commu…
March 27, 2020

Virus Social Media Tips

Looking to make sure your social media isn’t socially distant? The COVID-19 pandemic has forced PR pros to re-evaluate their digital strategies. PR Nation contributor Jason Mollica joins Robert to share his 10 tips for manag…
March 20, 2020

How has the virus changed PR?

The COVID-19 outbreak has changed, and in many instances devastated, lives around the world. For communicators, it has required urgent implementation of crisis plans, evaluation of current PR programs, and adjustments to evo…
March 19, 2020

COVID Special: PR Response

In this special mid-week edition of PR Nation, we preview our conversation with communicators about changes COVID-19 has made to the way we do our work. We also consider the recent Institute for Public Relations survey about…
March 13, 2020

BREAKING: IPR Polls Pros on COVID-19 Response

Most communications pros and senior executives in a new survey report their communication team was prepared for COVID-19, according to findings scheduled for release Monday by the Institute for Public Relations and Peppercom…
March 6, 2020

Are You Ready for a PR Crisis?

Is your organization ready for a PR crisis? If not, then a new book may be just what you need to help you create a crisis plan before you need one. This week, Robert invites crisis expert Ed Segal to discuss the worst part o…
Feb. 21, 2020

How Will Mobile Journalism Change PR?

Broadcast journalists are becoming even more mobile, shooting their news on iPhones and editing stories in coffee shops. How will this impact your work as a PR pro? Mobile journalism expert and career broadcast journalist Ge…
Feb. 14, 2020

Does Anyone Miss the White House Press Briefing?

Does anyone care that the White House has held just one press briefing since January 28, 2019? Journalist Scott Nover asked the question in an article for Washington Post Magazine, and tells Robert what he found. The two als…
Feb. 7, 2020

Making PR Creative Again!

Do you need a client with a big budget to do creative PR work? Is it possible to break free of the news release and op ed routine? Adam Ritchie, Principal at Adam Ritchie Brand Direction, preaches using PR to invent and tran…